Major PeeWee Roster For Saturday, April 15, News, Major PeeWee, 2017-2018 (Huron Perth Lakers)


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Apr 13, 2017 | mmartin | 1275 views
Major PeeWee Roster For Saturday, April 15
Below is the roster for the game on Saturday.  If you do not see your name, we look forward to seeing you at tryouts on Tuesday, April 18th at 8pm in Hensall.  You are more than welcome to come and cheer on the team but it is not a requirement.  

Erick Gulutzen
Nate Bloemberg
Harrison Meulensteen
Danny VanStraaten
Kohen Adams
Jared Gould
Jaden Shiell
Jonas Schmidt
Cole Schouten
Haden Frayne
Teagan Middleton
Sam Jeffrey
Avery Thurston
Wes Duiker
Luke Heisz
Kiefer MacNeil
Lukas Jacklin

Please be at the rink 45 mins before game time.  Dress code is: shirt and tie.